- 因为火星的冬天即将结束,季节性的二氧化碳的固体底层开始挥发。
- As martian winter draws to a close , the bottom layers of seasonal carbon dioxide ice begin to evaporate .
- 第二十届冬奥会刚刚在意大利都灵落下帏幕。但对于那些未来的奥运选手,这一盛会才将在一位美国短道速滑选手的帮助下开始。
- The twentieth winter olympics have just ended in turin , italy . But for some possible future olympians , the games are about to begin with help from an american speed skater .
- 但我记得寒冷的天气和变短的白昼会迫使落叶树开始准备过冬。
- But I remember something about the cold weather and shouter days compelling deciduous trees to begin their winter preparation .