- 交流和对话非常的重要。
- Exchange and dialogue are critical .
- 但收税就是一项这样的强制交易。
- But taxation is just such a coerced exchange .
- 股票交易所的整合很少有比现在更热的时候。
- Rarely has stock exchange consolidation been more fevered .
- 这个储钱罐真的会数钱!
- This piggy bank actually counts cash !
- 捐赠国不会吝于花这些钱。
- Donor countries are not flush with cash .
- 于是钱就流向了其他的地方。
- So the cash is going on other things .
- 太阳能电池将太阳光能转化为电能。
- Solar cells convert sunlight to electricity .
- 这种债券还可以转换成股票,赋予企业更多灵活性。
- The bonds can also convert into shares , giving companies added flexibility .
- 把思想转换成实物的能力是外在的成功的秘密。
- The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success .