- 挑望远镜时,只要在预算之内,拣孔径最大的买。
- Get a telescope with as large an aperture as you can afford .
- 但其原理通过孔径聚焦光线在一个二维表面是保持不变的。
- But the principle of focusing rays through an aperture onto a two-dimensional surface remains the same .
- smos上的唯一载荷被称为miras综合孔径微波成像辐射计的简称它实际比卫星平台更大。
- The smos instrument is called miras short for microwave imaging radiometer with aperture synthesis and is actually bigger than the satellite platform .
- 一些配方是阻塞子宫颈,很像现在的横膈膜。
- Some would have blocked the cervix , much like a modern diaphragm .
- 如果你的呼吸失去控制或者不够规律,横膈膜就要抱怨了。
- If your breathing isn 't controlled and disciplined , the diaphragm may be complaining .
- 子宫帽是一个半圆的柔软膈膜,在性交之前放入阴道,盖住宫颈部位。
- A diaphragm is soft dome that can be inserted into the vagina to cover the cervix before intercourse .