- 在洪水中溺水的牛。
- A cow sunk during the flood .
- 这里面最伟大的神话是关于洪水的。
- The greatest tale of all is that of the flood .
- 预计居民和企业会向保险公司提出大量索赔要求。
- Insurance companies can expect a flood of claims from residents and businesses .
- 审判方式的改革及消费者权益的保护谢国迁近年来,因我国经济管理制度不够完善,假冒伪劣产品充塞市场,导致产品质量纠纷越来越多,严重地侵害了消费者的利益。
- The protective xie guoqian of the reform that tries way and consumer rights and interests in recent years , because our country economy manages a system to be perfected not quite , fake product congest market , bring about product quality issue increasing , severely enroach on the interest of consumer .
- 别让那些资产阶级的颓废思想充斥你的头脑。
- Don 't congest your mind with those decadent ideas of the bourgeoisie .
- 怎样治疗眼睛充血,疲劳红肿,痒痛呢?
- How does remedial eye congest fatigue and red urticant painful ?