- 协同凯利作案的还有他的兄弟。
- His accomplices included his brothers .
- 这些担心同样也适用于雷曼兄弟。
- Those concerns also apply to lehman brothers .
- 我有一个姐姐和两个兄弟。
- I have one sister and two brothers .
- 向劳动哥萨克致以我们兄弟的问候!
- Our fraternal greetings to the working cossacks !
- 通过这些项目的研究,发现同卵双胞胎比异卵双胞胎更相像。
- On all counts , identical twins were found to be more alike than fraternal twins .
- ozonoff说,尽管异卵双胞胎共用一个子宫,但在基因上,他们并不比其他情况下兄弟姐妹更相似。
- Although fraternal twins share a womb , they are no more genetically alike than any other siblings , ozonoff says .
- 亲如兄弟以兄弟般的或友善的方式与他人交往。
- To associate with others in a brotherly or congenial way .
- 他们做这件事与其说是出自兄弟般的情谊还不如说是出于道义上的正直。
- They did it more in a spirit of moral rectitude than of brotherly love .
- 像亲人那样对他人友好。
- Treating strangers with brotherly kindness .