- 罗冰的这些义举让她成为土尔其东南部的库尔德地区远近闻名的女律师,她顽强、执着,为穷人和受压迫的人辩护。
- Rojbin tugan , a 35-year-old human-rights lawyer , last year managed to get mr korkmaz fitted with a prosthetic foot , so adding to her reputation in turkey 's mainly kurdish southeast as a dogged defender of the poor or oppressed .
- 与其它繁殖力旺盛的小型哺乳动物不同,榛睡鼠一年通常仅生育一胎,偶尔两胎,这意味着如果有一年生育失败,将会对种群数量的扩大造成沉重的打击。
- Unlike other small mammals who are able to breed prolifically , dormice usually have only one litter a year , sometimes two , which means that a poor breeding year can have a heavy impact on a population .
- 据知情人士称,这家公司由一小组20多岁的数学和计算机奇才运营,业绩骄人,自2007年开始投资到今年6月份,除去各种费用,其年度业绩平均比标准普尔500股指(standard&poor's500-stockindex)高10%。
- Run by a small team of twentysomething math and computer whizzes , rebellion has a solid track record , topping the standard & poor 's 500-stock index by an average of 10 % a year , after fees , since its 2007 launch through june , according to people familiar with the fund .