- 独特的抽纱更是高雅大方,精美绝伦。
- The unique drawnwork is elegant , graceful and exquisite beyond compare .
- 那些优雅唯美的花朵,蕾丝,手工刺绣,蝴蝶结以及优雅的线条等等,这些美丽元素的摇曳,给我们带来了美轮美奂的氛围。
- Those elegant , beautiful flowers , lace , hand embroidery , bows and graceful lines , etc. , waving to the aesthetic elements , bring us beautiful , gentle atmosphere .
- 简约当时的风尚的气味,优雅大方,有淑女风采,专为潮水女人而设转载请保留。
- Concise and vogue tinge , elegant and graceful , has gentlewoman demeanour , design especially for vogue womenx .