- 一切听起来都那么熟悉。
- The situation may sound familiar .
- 这或许听起来同样疯狂。
- This may also sound crazy .
- 这听起来像是巫术。
- This may sound like voodoo .
- 通胀抬头为此提供了完美的理由。
- The stirring of inflation provides the perfect excuse .
- 监管者远不是完美的。
- Regulators are far from perfect .
- 当然,对性行为的约束永远不会完善。
- Of course , sexual discipline was never perfect .
- 你能提高自己的创造力吗?
- Can you improve your creativity ?
- 一项当务之急是改善交通。
- One priority is to improve access .
- 皮特会提高自己的拼写吗?
- Will peter improve his spelling ?
- 微笑能增强你的免疫系统。
- Laugh to strengthen your immune system .
- 所有这些举措将强化市场基础。
- All this will strengthen market infrastructure .
- 每天冥想会增强你的意志力。
- Meditating daily will strengthen your willpower muscle .
- 你拥有了健康的习惯。
- You have a healthy habit .
- 什么决定了健康的恋爱关系?
- What makes a healthy relationship ?
- 简单来说是让我们有益健康的行为举止与自尊相联系。
- The short answer is to associate healthy behavior with self-esteem .
- 首先是目标要正直。
- Integrity of purpose comes first .
- 我们必须捍卫我们领土的完整。
- We must safeguard our state territorial integrity .
- 我们必须保护专利的完整性。
- We must protect the integrity of patents .