- 绝对编码法在一片光栅上刻以特定规则的编码,被测量的所有角度信息均有唯一编码与之对应,断电后重新上电这种对应关系不变,从而保证了数据的可靠性。
- Only one piece grating was used in absolute coding method , specified regular code was arranged on the grating , each angle was given a unique and corresponding code , even though restarting the instrument after power cut off , this correspondence remains unchanged , which ensures the reliability of angle measurement .
- 三年前的圣诞节有过一次停电。
- Three christmases ago there was a power cut .
- 为了将周一断电可能造成的问题降至最低程度,东电在预测的海啸时间刚刚过去就派了一些工作人员回到工作岗位,监测冷却系统的恢复情况。
- To minimize the potential problem from monday 's power cut , tepco sent some workers back to their posts to oversee the return of cooling as soon as the projected time of the forecasted tsunami past .