- 可以说,与善因结盟会为商业带来好处这句建议是真实的,事实上,仅仅上周,一项上周发布的研究揭示ebay的买家愿意为做好事付出更多。
- That said , there is truth to the argument that alignment with a cause can be good for business - in fact , just last week , a study was released that indicated that ebay buyers are actually willing to pay more to do good .
- 她是一位“乐善好施的好心人”,拥有布莱希特戏剧中坚信能在黑暗世界中行善的“勇气妈妈(mothercourage)”那样的天性。
- She was a " good samaritan " with a " mother courage " nature , referencing the brecht character who believes she can do good in a bad world .
- 对别人好,就要做到无微不至;一般的好只是无赖、伪君子、马屁精的托辞。
- He who would do good to another must do it in minute particulars ; general good is the plea of the scoundrel , hypocrite and flatterer .