- 这项改革仍然是局部的。
- The reform remains only partial .
- 但是这是一种局部解决方案。
- But this is a partial solution .
- 所以那里正在局部地出现硅谷现象。
- So there are partial versions of that happening .
- 向月球表面的斜向降落。
- A slanting descent to the lunar surface .
- 这些挡板在压缩空气力量的作用下会竖立起来,从而形成一个倾斜的屏障挡住来自亚得利亚海的洪水。
- Compressed air will then force the panels to rise up on their hinges , forming a slanting barrier to the incoming tide from the adriatic sea .
- 这根线向左斜了。
- The line is slanting to the left .
- 补偿公司正在大赚其钱。
- Offset companies are making real money .
- 但是,这种补偿是不完全的。
- But the offset wouldn 't be complete .
- 更多职业女性的加入将有助于补偿劳动力的不足。
- More working women could help offset the decline in the labour force .
- 这里显示的是一个片面的有偏见的景象。
- A partial and biased picture is presented .
- 但既激进又无力的结果却表明,迄今为止的辩论是多么失之偏颇。
- But that the outcome is at once radical and weak is a measure of how biased the debate so far has been .
- 从本质上讲,任何时间在一组中的大多数人都是在同一个方向偏颇,它可能不会做出好的决策。
- Essentially , any time most of the people in a group are biased in the same direction , it 's probably not going to make good decisions .