- 他同样有伪善之嫌。
- He is also guilty of hypocrisy .
- 原因其一就是惊险的政治伪善。
- One involves breathtaking political hypocrisy .
- 欧元区的危机已经暴露了这种伪善。
- The euro-zone crisis has exposed such hypocrisy .
- 不得与其他用餐折扣,优惠套餐和促销活动并用。
- Not valid in con unction with other dining discount privileges , set menus and special promotions .
- 你领亚郎和他的儿子一同前来,带著祭衣、圣油、作赎罪祭的公牛犊,两只公绵羊和一筐无酵饼。
- Take aaron with his sons , their vestments , and the oil of unction , a calf for sin , two rams , a basket with unleavened bread .
- 《真情假爱》中:“虚情假意岂能当真言不由衷如何动容”这句.
- How could the unction be taken seriously how could the insincerity change countenance .
- 此外,还有比伪善更令人担忧的另一种可能.虽然到目前为止奥朗德还是最有可能胜出,但选举结果或许就如候选人所言,说不准还真来一个戏剧性结局.
- Besides , there is a more worrying possibility than insincerity . The candidates may actually mean what they say . And with mr hollande , who after all is still the most likely victor , that could have dramatic consequence .
- 敏锐的敏感度允许你探知到他人的不诚恳,并且充分了解你周遭的情绪色彩。
- Keen sensitivities allow you to detect insincerity in others and to grasp the emotional coloring of your surroundings .
- 一个很奇怪的转变,尽管,当面道歉,人们更加不容易发现不诚恳。
- In a strange twist , though , people are less able to detect insincerity when apologies are directed at them .