- 我现在就是自然地在坐在椅子上(但是尽量不要没精打采的样子),或者双腿交叉的坐在有靠垫的地上。
- I now sit naturally on a chair ( trying not to slouch ) or cross legged on the floor with some pillows .
- 这是因为越是高大的人约有弯腰驼背的倾向。
- This is because taller people have a greater tendency to slouch .
- 但说到读书,博学的美国总统托马斯杰斐逊(thomasjefferson)也不可谓不勤,他把自己的6400多本藏书捐给了国会图书馆(libraryofcongress)的前身。
- But thomas jefferson , the polymath us president , was hardly a slouch when it came to reading either , bequeathing his collection of 6400 books to what became the library of congress .