- 没有哪一个拥有大量基于美元投资的国家打算将他们突然抛售;没有人想引起恐慌。
- No single country owning large amounts of dollar-based investments is inclined to dump them abruptly ; nobody aims to start a panic .
- 游行者抗议将垃圾倾倒在这附近的一个采矿场。
- Campaigners are protesting against a rubbish dump in a quarry near the site .
- 现在这块地上到处是塑料袋和建筑垃圾,但是已经没有倾倒的垃圾了。
- Now the field is littered with plastic bags and building debris , but no dump is visible .
- 那么这个提示就是给你的。
- Well then this tip is for you .
- 记住每次至少要给女士2镑的小费,而且要有礼貌。
- Always tip the maid at least 2 . And always always be polite .
- 两人就餐约需150人民币(不含酒水和小费)。
- A meal for two , without drinks or tip , is about 150 renminbi .
- 空的公寓将很快被塞满。
- Empty apartments will be filled .
- 那面墙看起来很空!
- The wall looks so empty !
- 可房子里静悄悄的,空荡荡的。
- But the house was very quiet and empty .
- 倾诉你的内心、你的恐惧、你的伤心事将这些与他分享。
- Pour out your heart your fears your woes - share them with him .
- 海恩斯坐下来倒茶。
- Haines sat down to pour out the tea .
- 我强烈建议你跟你的孩子坐下来,把上菜的份量全部倾吐出来,这样他们就可以看到保持身体健康状况所推荐的具体的份量。
- I highly suggest you sit down with your children and pour out serving portions so they can see the exact amounts suggested to keep their bodies in fit condition .