- 技术并非内在的就是节约和环保的,它不仅可以被用于更有效的传输清洁的可再生的能源,对于肮脏的燃煤火力发电也是一样。
- The technology is not inherently frugal or green . It can be used to deliver not just clean renewable energy more efficiently , but also the grubby coal-fired sort .
- 凭借这家名叫sizzleit的新公司,戈贝尔先生发誓要有所成就,他削减了日常开支,过着更为节俭的生活。
- With the new company , called sizzle it , mr. gerber vowed to find a niche , reduce overhead and generally be more frugal .
- 有几家公司正在向新兴市场的挑战者学习,如何才能做到既实现革新,同时又实现成本节约。
- Several are learning from the emerging-market challengers how to be innovative and frugal at the same time .
- 首先以简洁为荣能够鼓励学生经济而创新地利用语言。
- Rewarding concision first will encourage students to be economical and innovative with language .
- 这可以成为公司增加其品牌知名度或曝光率的经济方法。
- This is rather economical for companies to increase their brand awareness or visibility .
- 稳定的碳排放价格将提高发展更经济的替代能源的创造性。
- A firm carbon price will accelerate creativity by making alternatives that much more economical .