- 对未中标者和买受人以外的竞买人已支付的定金、保证金,出让人或者拍卖人应当予以退还。
- The assignor or auctioneer shall return the deposit or earnest money paid by those who fail to win the bid and those other than the purchaser .
- 试论违约责任中定金、违约金、赔偿损失的竞合与适用。
- Concurrence and application of the liability forms for the breach of contract between earnest money , damage compensation and contractual fine .
- 关于您下次定单的交付期,我们将在收到定金后50天内发货。
- As to the consignation date of your order next time , we 'll send out your demand 50 days after your earnest money arrives .
- 再次提出保释请求很常见。
- Requests to reconsider bail are common .
- 他在塞浦路斯保释后逃跑了。
- He skipped bail in cyprus .
- 第11名嫌疑间谍在塞浦路斯保释期间失踪。
- An 11th suspected spy disappeared while on bail in cyprus .
- 不过,存款利率却已经开始上升。
- But deposit rates are already rising .
- 银行利率依然是政策的俘虏,被用来监管储蓄利率。
- Bank interest rates remain captive to the policy of regulated deposit rates .
- 它们还保持了高资本充足率,吸收了大量的储蓄。
- They have also maintained adequate capital ratios and ample deposit funding .