- 有着圆滑的边缘和未抛光的表面,该刀具套装不是在传统意义上来用的。
- With its rounded edges and unpolished surfaces , the trattoria utopia juri cutlery set is not meant to be used in the traditional sense .
- 该刀具套装由postfossil团队设计,在米兰家具展上首次亮相。
- Designed by postfossil , the trattoria utopia juri cutlery set made its debut during the milan furniture fair .
- 有很多方式来倡导素食主义的生活方式,餐饮乌托邦之朱莉刀具套装(trattoriautopiajuricutleryset)针对这种健康,环保,值得尊重的生活方式,展示了一种创新的的方法。
- There are various ways to advocate a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle , and the trattoria utopia juri cutlery set shows one innovative and creative approach to this healthy , eco-friendly and respectful way of life .
- 两个孩子都不聪明。
- Both children are not clever .
- 然而有三点理由也许会证明选择古普塔先生是比较聪明的。
- But dr gupta may yet prove a clever choice , for three reasons .
- 战术上来说,还魂罗斯福那一套是挺聪明的一招。
- From a tactical perspective summoning the ghost of roosevelt is a clever move .