- 这句俏皮话让他俩不由自主地大笑起来。
- This witticism reduced bot of them to helpless laughter .
- 歇后语是俗语的一种。
- Truncated witticism is a type of folk adage .
- 今天政治光谱的一个侧面带着猜疑和不信任的眼光看它,呼应了塞缪尔约翰逊的俏皮话:“爱国主义是歹徒最后的避难所。”
- One side of today 's political spectrum looks upon it with suspicion and distrust , echoing samuel johnson 's witticism that " patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel . "
- 他说俏皮话贬低我的能力。
- He made a wisecrack about my ability .
- 你对什么都有说俏皮话的本事不是?
- You have a smart little wisecrack for everything , don 't you ?
- 她在1962年写的这句俏皮话灵感来自于东南亚的就业不足。
- Her quip , written in 1962 , was inspired by underemployment in south-east asia .
- 普京最近说了一个含糊的妙语,他说,除了他自己,自圣雄甘地(mahatmagandhi)之后,全世界就没有一个“纯粹的民主派”。
- Mr putin recently made an obscure quip , saying that , apart from himself , there have been no " pure democrats " in the world since mahatma gandhi .
- 他的话让我想起美国最后的喜剧大师乔治卡林的一句著名的妙语---“这就是所谓的美国梦,因为你要在睡梦中才会相信它!”
- His words reminded me of a famous quip by george carlin the late great american comedian " it 's called the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it . "
- 可惜你没看见老萨莉问他喜不喜欢这戏时他那副样子。
- You should 've seen him when old sally asked himhow he liked the play .
- 莎莉在靠着前排课桌的侧边过道里找到了她,然后把她往外拽。
- Sally found her in a side hallway near the front desk and hauled her outside .
- 莎莉的母亲喜欢上了一个隐蔽书店的老板,而店主却牵挂着亡妻。
- Sally 's mother falls in love with an occult bookshop owner obsessed with his deceased wife .