- 采用系统护理能有效地预防便秘,使并发症的发生率明显降低。
- The adoption of systemic nursing can effectively prevent astriction , and reduce the risk of syndromes occurring .
- 不建议喝过多的牛奶,因其可导致并且加重便秘。
- Drinking too much milk is not recommended , since milk can agitate and prolong constipation .
- 这个食谱具有其内在的缺陷,有造成肾结石和便秘的风险。
- The diet comes with inherent hardships . Risks include kidney stones and constipation .
- 今天在家的时候,我觉得有些便秘,就吃了两颗通便的药。
- Today , I was at home with slight constipation , so I took two laxatives .