- 美国军队擅长于防止大规模的常规侵略,或者当侵略发生时擅长于扭转局面。
- American forces are very good at preventing major conventional aggression , or reversing it when it happens .
- 在1914年和1939年,德国的侵略和英国的回应引发了两次世界大战。
- In 1914 and in 1939 , its aggression and the uk 's response produced world wars .
- 因此,除非他们自己走向灭亡,否则他们侵略和战争行为将永不停止。
- Their aggression and war actions , therefore , never cease till they go to ruin .
- 入侵并不是一个有意义的威胁。
- Invasion is not a meaningful threat .
- 但他决定入侵伊拉克,抛弃了这个机会。
- He blew it with the invasion of iraq .
- 许多人自豪地记起他反对2003年美国主导的侵略伊拉克之战的立场。
- Many remember with pride his stand against the 2003 american-led invasion of iraq .
- 银行家并没有威胁要入侵法国。
- The bankers are not threatening to invade .
- 这样的案件随着科技公司不断侵入对方地盘只会越来越多。
- Similar suits are likely as tech firms continue to invade one another 's turf .
- 当两种病毒侵入同一个细胞时,它们俩都开始复制自己。
- When two viruses invade the same cell , they both begin to copy themselves .