- 其成员买同样牌子的商品,存钱买同样的房子,签付同样的信用卡,也向往把他们的孩子送进同样的学校。
- Its members will buy the same branded goods , save up for the same houses , sign up for the same credit cards and aspire to put their children into the same schools .
- 法国民族阵线的布鲁诺哥尔尼奇解释道:我们正面对相同的敌人,正为了同样的目标,使用相同的办法,服务于相同的利益。
- " We are facing the same enemies , using the same methods , for the same purpose , serving the same interests , " explains bruno gollnisch of france 's national front .
- 事实上,比之于克隆人和他或她的"原件",同卵双生彼此更为相似,因为他们是在同一个子宫内孕育的、后来通常是由同一对父母在同一段时间内在相同的环境中抚养的。
- Identical twins are in fact more similar to each other than a clone would be to his or her original , since twins gestate simultaneously in the same womb and are raised in the same environment at the same time , usually by the same parents .