- 突然之间,在将这些职责一一成功转交给外部高管后,幕后创始人随后就失业了。
- And suddenly , after transitioning each function successfully to an outside senior executive one at a time , the other founder had successively worked himself out of a job .
- 在系统分析中先后用系统的功能结构图、数据库的E-R图、数据库表分析了系统所需的各种数据。
- The system analyse varieties of data successively with the function chart , the E-R graphic and tables of database .
- 我们先后在江苏兴化、浙江温州、广东东莞、中山设有工厂、销售公司。
- We successively founded factories and distribution companies in Xinghua Jiangsu , Wenzhou Zhejiang , Dongguan Guangdong and Zhongshan Guangdong .