- 神预先知道的人,他就预先命定他们和他儿子的形象一模一样,使他的儿子在许多弟兄中作长子。
- For those god foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son , that he might be the firstborn among many brothers .
- 詹姆斯乔丹一个小佃农的儿子,当时正在学习飞机水力学,迈克尔乔丹是他五个孩子中的第四个,乔丹有两个哥哥,一个姐姐和一个妹妹。
- James , a sharecropper 's son , was studying airplane hydraulics . Michael was the fourth of five children born to the jordans . He has two older brothers and an older and younger sister .
- 保罗看出其中一部分是撒都该人,另一部分是法利赛人,就在议会中喊着说,诸位,弟兄们,我是法利赛人,是法利赛人的子孙;我现在受审问,是为了盼望死人复活。
- And paul , knowing that one part was sadducees and the other pharisees , cried out in the sanhedrin , men , brothers , I am a pharisee , a son of pharisees ; concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged !
- 今天我在家照看我的小外甥。
- Today , I was babysitting my nephew .
- 我外甥像海绵宝宝那样把我的新吉他砸得粉碎。
- My nephew smashing my brand new guitar to be like spongebob .
- 我当然不希望我6岁的外甥身边充斥着刀枪。
- I don 't want my six-year-old nephew near a gun or knife .