- 有成效地利用时间。
- Use your time productively .
- 用艺术作为灵感的来源。
- Use art as your inspiration .
- 在机构中如何利用设计师?
- How do organisations use designers ?
- 近来社交网络应用正如日中天。
- The trend for social application is strong .
- 去店里拿份申请表吧。
- Get an application form instore .
- 它在物流上的应用最为成功。
- Its most successful application is in logistics .
- 另一个重点是土地使用的模块化。
- Another priority is land usage modelling .
- 有人可能会指出,英国《金融时报》并不总是遵循当地的用法。
- It could be pointed out that we do not always follow local usage .
- 抑制能源使用将需要采取一种不同的方式。
- To bear down on energy usage would require a different approach .
- ugi委员会正在发掘一种商务模式,其涵盖注册和使用费用、低价收购以及更高标准服务的各种费用几个方面。
- The ugi committee is exploring a business model that includes fee-based registration and utilization , low cost of acquisition , and variable costs for higher level services .
- 在这种情况下,“连接池”就变得非常有用,它既可以提高系统性能,又可以优化资源的使用。
- In these scenarios , a connection pool is immensely useful to improve performance as well as to optimize resource utilization .
- 促进大学知识产权利用项目
- Intellectual property utilization promotion highway