- 让我们记得天使的通告:“我报给你们的大喜的信息,是关于万民的,因今天在大卫的城里,为你们生了救主,就是基督。”
- And let us remember the annunciation of the angel , " behold I bring you good tidings of great joy , which shall be to all people , for unto you is born this day in the city of david a saviour , which is christ the lord . "
- 你向锡安传递了好消息(女低音独唱及合唱)
- O thou that tellest good tidings to zion ( contralto solo & chorus )
- 这12部离奇的圣诞影片可能与节日里“兴高采烈”的潮流背道而驰,而且我们也很难想象端着可乐和祖母一起看《圣诞杀戮》是什么一个情景。
- These 12 offbeat christmas films may run counter to the " tidings and good cheer " of the season , and it 's tough to imagine sitting down with grandma and a mug of cocoa for a film like santa 's slay .
- 从17世纪末开始,由于康熙皇帝的倡导以及对东方文明的向往,大批西洋传教士带着向东方传播福音的理想,航海东来。
- Since the end of the 17th century , thanks to the initiation of kangxi emperor , large numbers of western missionaries , with their admiration for oriental civilization and their ideal to spread the christian evangel , sailed eastwards to china .
- 基督教福音花慈善基金有限公司。
- Evangel flowers christian charitable foundation limited .
- 几位附近的大学包括福音大学,西南密苏里州立大学和特鲁。
- Several nearby universities include evangel university , southwest missouri state and drury university .