- 改善工程也包括扩阔河傍街及杯渡路交接处。
- The improvement works will include widening at ho pong street and pui to road junction .
- 培育儿童教育促进会有限公司-近。
- Pui yuk children education association limited .
- 香港职工会联盟组织秘书fishippui-yu说,女佣们做相应的工作,在香港能比在亚洲其它地方获得更多权利。
- Housemaids in hong kong enjoy more rights than do their counterparts elsewhere in asia , said fish ip pui-yu , organizing secretary of the hong kong confederation of trade unions .
- 如果要让Organic的执行创意总监凯琳•帕斯克在这部以60年代一家虚拟广告公司为背景的AMC电视剧中选一个人物乔装打扮的话,她自称肯定会选择伊丽莎白•莫斯出演的佩吉•奥尔森。
- If karyn pascoe were going to dress as a character from the amc ( amcx ) television series about a fictional 1960s advertising agency , she says she 'd almost certainly be peggy olson , played by elisabeth moss .
- 不过,当今广告界的很多女性更多地自比佩吉,这位干劲十足、由秘书半路出家的文案人员。
- Yet many advertising women today relate more to peggy , the perky secretary-turned-copywriter .
- 在华尔街日报专栏作家佩吉诺兰看来,奥巴马这项决议很可能让他在大选中受挫。
- Peggy noonan , a columnist for the wall street journal , thinks this decision might even cost him the election .