- 像非裔美国人aleanie这样皮肤黝黑的儿童似乎更易患佝偻病,因为他们同浅色皮肤的孩子比起来,通过皮肤合成维生素d的难度更大。
- Children with dark skin , like aleanie , who is african-american , appear to be at even greater risk for rickets because they do not synthesize vitamin d through the skin as easily as those with light skin .
- 一个多世纪前,医生就已经知道,单靠母乳喂养可能和维生素d不足以及佝偻病有关,也知道,只要用并不昂贵的维生素点滴或是鳕鱼肝油就能轻易地预防和治疗佝偻病。
- Physicians have known for more than a century that exclusive breast-feeding may be associated with vitamin d deficiency and rickets , and that the condition is easily prevented and treated with inexpensive vitamin drops or cod liver oil .
- 从理论上讲,对佝偻病的治愈相对容易:当局的倡议即是让大家多晒晒太阳,对于孕妇和儿童,则服用维生素d增补剂(虽然只有五分之一的母亲意识到了这点)。
- In theory , rickets is easy to cure : official advice is to get more sunshine and , for pregnant women and young children , to take vitamin d supplements ( though only around a fifth of mothers heed it ) .
- 甚至连g+每条信息标题都有蓝色链接。
- Even g + has blue links for post titles .
- 分享功能应该使用和g+一样的机制和架构。
- Sharing should utilize the same infrastructure and plumbing that g + does .
- 打个比方,a和c都代表0,g和t代表1。
- For instance , a and c might represent 0 , while g and t signify 1 .