- 你一旦发现自己无相的佛心、真我、纯粹的神性或神的源头,你就可以带着这份持续不断的不二觉知进入次等的境界,包括精微的心智状态和粗钝的肉体状态,并且以光明恢复它们的生机。
- Once you find your formless identity as buddha-mind , as atman , as pure spirit or godhead , you will take that constant , nondual , ever-present consciousness and reenter the lesser states , subtle mind and gross body , and reanimate them with radiance .
- 菩提心的开展和觉醒就是我们佛性种子的日渐成熟,这佛性的种子就是,当我们的慈悲达到圆满的状态,此种子就会开花结果而成佛。
- To awaken and develop the heart of the enlightened mind is to ripen steadily the seed of our buddha nature , that seed that , in the end , when our practice of compassion has become perfect and all-embracing , will flower majestically into buddhahood .
- 不过,佛陀说我们能做的就是观察身与心,以便了解它们的无自性,了解它们既非「我」,也非「我的」,它们只是暂时存在而已。
- But the buddha said that what we can do is to contemplate the body and mind so as to see their impersonality , see that neither of them is " me " or " mine . " They have a merely provisional reality .
- 想要战胜心脏病吗?
- Want to beat heart attacks ?
- 打开自己的心灵。
- Keep your heart open .
- 软件开发已成为创新产业的核心。
- Software engineering is at heart a creative profession .