- 油价在今年结束时会达到多少?
- Where will oil finish the year ?
- 需要两周时间才能完成。
- We need two weeks to finish .
- 但它真的会以这种方式来结束吗?
- But did it really finish that way ?
- 相对于环境效果的后期混响等级。
- Late reverberation level relative to room effect .
- 它就象翠玉一样碧绿,回响震耳欲聋。
- It was green as an emerald , and the reverberation was stunning .
- 她看着他,以一种充满无奈的爱意;这种无奈所需的是保护欲,是母亲对于在胸前吃奶的孩子所怀有的感情的回荡。
- She looked upon him whom she loved as full of a helplessness that needed protection , a reverberation of the feeling of the mother for the child at the breast .