- 它把自己的命运放入天平。
- That put its fate in the balance .
- 我把它称作天平受力模型。
- I call it the fore balance model .
- 不过,天平就要倾斜了。
- But the balance is about to tip .
- 其余部分投资到保险和贷款业务中。
- The remainder is invested in securities and loans .
- 淡水河谷将拥有其中的19艘,并租赁其余船只。
- Vale will own 19 of the ships and will lease the remainder .
- 国会也没有为截至9月30日财政年度剩余时间内的财政支出制定出一套方案。
- Congress also failed to fashion a spending package for the remainder of the fiscal year ending sept. 30 .
- 这份合同包含一个公式,能够根据苏尔在收购前五年的盈利能力等因素计算出其价格。
- Its contract contains a formula for calculating the price , which is based in part on sur 's profitability in the five years before purchase .
- 智利政府十分希望能够拥有苏尔项目,同时也将面对难以克服的国内压力:政客和工会领导人来控诉angloamerican试图强占本属该国的铜矿资源,公共舆论也对外国控制国内矿山表示不满。
- Chile would love to get its hands on sur , and will face domestic pressure not to buckle : politicians and union leaders have accused anglo american of trying to rob the country of its god-given copper , and public opinion frowns on foreign control of mines .
- 加利福尼亚大苏尔海岸pfeiffer海滩美景图,拍摄于2010年6月12日。
- This beautiful photo of pfeiffer beach in big sur , calif. , was taken on june 12 , 2010 .