- 为何投资热情这么高?
- Why are investors so keen ?
- 你认真想过原因吗?
- Have you thought about why ?
- 为何我们要如此呢?
- Why should you get any ?
- 为什么还不能给你带来平静呢?
- And wherefore should it not bring you peace ?
- 你们为什么不明白我的话呢?
- Wherefore do ye not know my speech ?
- 你难道不知道只是为何而喜悦吗?
- And know you not wherefore the joy ?
- 不知怎么的没人进去。
- Somehow no one 's going in .
- 他们觉得孩子不知怎么的总是葡萄牙人。
- They felt the children were somehow portuguese .
- 全球储蓄和投资将以某种方式实现平衡。
- Worldwide savings and investment will somehow balance .