- 离地面低一点,比利感到安全多了。
- Billy felt safer low to the ground .
- 随便使用低级抗生素会给耐抗生素病原体提供很好的繁殖基础。
- This cavalier use of low-level antibiotics creates a perfect breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant pathogens .
- 假如这时你的女伴忽然低声呢喃:"爹地!"你应该立即逃之夭夭。
- If at this moment your chaperon suddenly in a low voice twittering : " dad ground ! " You should instantly decamp .
- 坚持要卡扎菲上校下台显然会排除通过谈判达成和解或保持利比亚事实上分裂的余地。
- Insistence on col gaddafi 's removal apparently rules out a negotiated settlement , or de facto partition .
- 不过,他们仍不会讲真话,直到意识到说谎不起作用的时候从不说真话的可不只是卡扎菲上校这样的独裁者。
- But they won 't until they learn that lying doesn 't work it is not just dictators like col gaddafi who never will .
- 在英国广播公司采访时,中校威尔克森还开发了他的看法是否或不战前情报是故意误用白宫。
- In the bbc interview , col wilkerson also developed his views on whether or not pre-war intelligence was deliberately misused by the white house .
- 狂风与河流携带了沉淀在阿拉斯加和西伯利亚低地大量的淤泥和沙尘。
- The winds and rivers carried immense volumes of silt and dust that settled in the lowlands of alaska and siberia .
- 上个月玻利维亚总统埃沃莫拉莱斯,派军队前往圣克鲁斯地区的低地镇压金矿开采行为。
- Last month bolivia 's president , evo morales , sent troops to the lowlands of santa cruz department to crack down on gold mining .
- 同一时期,德国的中小型企业也活跃起来,簇集的制造厂也从伦巴第(意州名)迁移至苏格兰低地。
- So was much of the german mittelstand , and clusters of manufacturers from lombardy to the scottish lowlands .