- 什么事情比在这一禁令旨在世俗或奴性的工作吗?
- Is anything more than secular or servile work intended in this prohibition ?
- 他用卑躬屈膝的腔调说话。
- He spoke in a servile tone .
- 第一日当有圣会,什么劳碌的工都不可作。
- In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation : ye shall do no servile work therein .
- 她扭过头去为粉煤灰的打击畏缩的声音尖叫着所有的说他已经离开空气。
- She looked away cringing as ash 's cracking voice screamed all the air that he had left .
- 她在上司面前总是卑躬屈膝。
- She 's always cringing to the boss .
- 你的仇敌必投降你;你必踏在他们的高处。
- So your enemies shall come cringing to you , and you shall tread upon their high places .
- 一个花言巧语、巴结奉承的声音。
- A coaxing and obsequious voice .
- 永恒不变的个人恒心河经常顺从的挂念。
- Constant personal attention and often obsequious solicitude .
- 多少为哀思而流的圣洁泪珠。
- How many a holy and obsequious tear .