- 而对于数学分析的学习,首先就需要透彻理解并能灵活运用其中的数学概念,但与此同时,要理解并掌握这些基本的数学概念,不但要知道它的正面,还需要了解它的反面.
- If we want to learn mathematical analysis well , above all we must fully understand and agilely utilize the mathematical concepts in it . Meanwhile , if one wants to master all these concepts , one should master not only the positive side of the concepts but also the negative side of them .
- 现在挤兑发生在监管者或许还不完全明白的领域,例如买回协议或回购协议,投资银行为日常运转筹集资金的市场。
- Now , runs happen in spheres regulators may not fully understand , such as the repurchase agreement , or repo , market , in which investment banks fund their day-to-day operations .
- 此时,充分理解错综复杂的单一市场(我们这个时代的复杂难题之一)的怪人小圈子,或许会跳出一个人,称问题在于欧洲经济区(eea),而非欧元区或欧盟。
- At this point , a member of that tiny band of anoraks who fully understand the complexities of the single market one of the schleswig-holstein questions of our time may pipe up and say the problem lies in the european economic area , not the eurozone or the eu .