- 美国心脏协会(aha)的统计数据表明,每年突然死于冠状动脉和心脏病的人中,有至少一半的人不知道他们的病。
- According to the american heart association ( aha ) , at least half of the people who die suddenly from coronary heart disease each year had no clue they were sick .
- 这种令人熟悉不过的说话腔调,在不到四年以前她已经听过了,但是他说话的目的却截然不同,看见这种相互对照中的嘲弄,她直感到心中作呕。
- This too familiar intonation , less than four years earlier , had brought to her ears expressions of such divergent purpose that her heart became quite sick at the irony of the contrast .
- 我转过身去,心里感到很难过。
- I turned away sick at heart .
- 这是一个对约翰贝杰曼爵士的伤感致敬。
- Here 's a sentimental homage to john betjeman .
- 下次伤感电影让你哭的时候,去怪你的血清素水平吧。
- Next time a sentimental movie makes you cry , blame your serotonin levels .
- 它还意味着把退休当作是阶段性的过程,而不是由伤感的演讲和一个旅行闹钟所记录的突然事件。
- It will also mean treating retirement as a phased process rather than a sudden event marked by a sentimental speech and a carriage clock .