- 财富转移为什么是必要的呢?
- Why is wealth transfer necessary ?
- 西方的衰落加速了权力的转移。
- Western decline is accelerating the transfer of power .
- 网盘允许使用者上载和传输容量很大的文件。
- Megaupload allowed users to upload and transfer very large files .
- 你们能不能提前一点交货呢?
- Could you manage to hasten the delivery ?
- 早交货对我们来说很重要。
- Early delivery mean very much to us .
- 请务必在两周内交货。
- Delivery must be within two weeks .
- 但是在非洲的传播速度似乎很棘手。
- But transmission rates in africa seemed intractable .
- 这种传输将和大脑增容之类的形式是一样简单。
- Transmission will be just as easy as other forms of brain augmentation .
- 通常是因为人与人之间的传播。
- Transmission most often occurs from another person .