- 传说就是这样诞生的。
- Thus the legend was born .
- 这称为一个极富传奇色彩的事件。
- It would become the stuff of legend .
- 他来到这就清楚白厅是尽职的传说中的劳斯莱斯。
- He arrived in office certain that whitehall was the dutiful rolls-royce of legend .
- 这违背了人类本性和传统。
- It goes against human nature and tradition .
- 墨西哥有着丰富的宗教融合传统。
- Mexico has a rich syncretic tradition .
- 伊斯兰教拥有值得自豪的宽容的传统。
- Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance .
- 凭着一点美国工业知识,mattel在一个车库里开始了她的创业。
- Mattel was started in agarage , adding to another bit of american industrial lore .
- 伯顿为《天方夜谭》做的脚注非常有名,长达数千页,融汇了千奇百怪的小知识。
- Burton 's famous footnotes , which run to thousands of pages , are a smorgasbord of strange lore .
- 它是通向新奇世界的惊险通道,是食物的源头,美丽的源头也是传说的源头。
- It is a perilous passageway to new lands and a bountiful source of food , beauty and lore .