- 干燥小叶淡绿,边缘切成齿形,卵状椭圆形的中部小叶。
- Dried leaflets light green , margin coarsely toothed , central leaflet ovate-elliptic .
- 用稀少皮孔光滑的小枝;中心的小叶椭圆形或椭圆形披针形。
- Branchlets smooth with sparse lenticels ; central leaflet elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate .
- 显著的小枝具瘤;中心的小叶通常倒卵形卵圆形。
- Branchlets conspicuously tuberculate ; central leaflet usually obovate-oval .
- 邮寄一张明信片,生日卡,销售传单,简报等,让客户记得您的姓名,电话号码和服务。
- Mail them a postcard , birthday card , sales flyer , newsletter etc. to keep your name , phone number , and service on their mind .
- 除了美食为什么不注意一下新加坡的传单、唐人街、植物园呢?或到客家路,新加坡最好的购物中心逛逛呢?
- Between meals why not check out the singapore flyer , chinatown , the botanic gardens or take a shopping trip down haji lane , singapore 's premier shopping district .
- zagorsky说,他是在看到一个健康中心所发的关于向“大学生新生的15磅”发起挑战的传单之后,提出了做这项研究的想法。
- Zagorsky said he came up with the idea for the study after seeing a flyer for a fitness center aimed at combating the " freshman 15 . "
- 电影邀请传单上写“怎样打赢对恐怖主义者的一场战斗而输了一场理念的战争”。
- The flier inviting guests to the screening read : " how to win a battle against terrorism and lose the war of ideas " .
- 那些匆忙回归的夏天,冲乱了飞鸟的迁徙。
- The hurried returned summers hurried the migration of flier .
- 往迈阿密的特快车最后召集。
- This is the final call for the miami flier .
- 当坦尼娅质问他这一点时,他给了她一个随意带过的答复。
- But still no apology.when tanya challenged him about this he gave her a throwaway reply .
- 然而对手们却认为,事实上zara有一个理念:这是个一次性时尚的镀金时代。
- Rivals , however , argue that zara is in fact associated with something : a gilded age of throwaway fashion .
- 一位牢牢控制局面的政客有资本可以给出这么随意的答案,而金达尔(去年秋天以绝对优势赢得州长连任)现在正处于其权力的顶峰时期。
- A politician in the driver 's seat can offer such throwaway answers , and mr jindal ( who won re-election in a landslide last autumn ) is at the peak of his power just now .