- 全国最富裕的10个县城有6个位于华盛顿郊区。
- Six of the ten most affluent counties in america are washington suburbs .
- 奔驰希望争取的是像33岁的andyyang这样年轻、富裕的购车者。
- Mercedes hopes to win young , affluent buyers such as 33-year-old andy yang .
- 在条件更为不富裕的马库斯胡克,一些商店已经关门大吉了。
- In marcus hook , a much less affluent area , several shopfronts are boarded up .
- 巴拿马的自然风景和土著文化非常丰富。
- In panama nature and indigenous culture are abundant .
- 有些还是很充足的像是镍、铜和锌。
- Some are as abundant as nickel , copper or zinc .
- 所有的好东西都应该是充足的,而且免费。
- All good things should be abundant , and they should be free .