- 目前,电子油墨是由小而透明的球体组成,球体内含有悬浮在透明液体中的黑白颗粒。
- At the moment , such ink is composed of small , transparent spheres containing black and white particles suspended in a clear fluid .
- 我无意于再三回味快乐的时光;比那要简单得多,容易得多:我从遗忘的深渊中寻回时光的片段,其中一如旧观的乃是对于某种纯粹情感的记忆,是凝定在永恒中的一瞬。
- I don 't want to ruminate on happiness . It is much simpler and much easier than that . For what has remained untouched in these hours I retrieve from the depths of forgetfulness is the memory of a pure emotion , a moment suspended in eternity .
- 另一幅图显示了起了涟漪的橡胶皮好像正依附于悬浮于空中的满球的水一样-在重力作用毁了这个瞬间之前。
- Another shows the rippled skin of rubber seemingly clinging to a ball of water suspended in the air - before gravity brings the moment to an end .