- 创业通是目前回拨领域的佼佼者,其优质的通话质量及流畅的语音传输赢得无数客户的美誉。
- The undertaking passes the outstanding person who is returns at present dials the domain , its high quality connection quality and the smooth speech transmission win the innumerable customers the fine reputation .
- 纽威尔集团驻日内瓦高档书写工具业务总裁西塔(jean-charleshita)约四年前从宝格丽(bulgari)来到了派克,她发现要重建派克钢笔奢侈品的名声需要做大量的工作。
- Jean-charles hita , newell rubbermaid 's geneva-based president of fine writing , came to parker about four years ago from bulgari , and found lots of work to do to rebuild the pen 's reputation as a luxury item .