- 不要让孩子去摸水龙头,因为孩子有可能摔倒碰到水龙头上造成严重伤害。
- Because it would cause a serious injury if the baby fell and hit the tap water .
- 非常猛烈的撞击后,人们开始摔倒,压在了我身上。
- It was a strong blow , people fell on top of me .
- 她摔倒在地上的镜头被切换掉了,但这个场景并没有定格在那里。
- The cameras cut off as she fell to the ground . But the scene didn 't end there .
- 某些公司同样用精湛的技术自夸。
- Some also boast superb technology .
- 没有哪个国家敢吹嘘有这么多。
- No other country can boast so many .
- 它最喜欢的自夸是它是世界上最大的援助提供者。
- Its favourite boast is that it is the world 's biggest aid donor .
- 全球经济衰退中所增加的开支现在迫使各国做出这一从政治角度看几乎不可能的决定:在经济困难时期大幅度削减开支,增加税收。
- The added costs of the global recession have now forced them to do the politically unthinkable : chop social spending and raise taxes in trying economic times .
- 根据计划,这个项目要培训低收入者学会砍木头,然后把木头分发给其他穷人做燃料。
- It was designed to train low-income people to chop wood and distribute it to other poor people to burn in their stoves .
- 今年4月,沃达丰表示:到2020年它将削减一半的二氧化碳排放量;公司将主要通过提高其全球移动电话网络的能源效率来完成此目标。
- Vodafone in april said it would chop its carbon dioxide emissions in half by 2020 ; the company plans to do so largely by improving the energy efficiency of its global mobile-phone networks .
- 耶和华吩咐摩西说,你要凿出两块石版,和先前你摔碎的那版一样,其上的字我要写在这版上。
- And the lord said unto moses , hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first : and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables , which thou brakest .
- 从绝望的山上砍下一块希望的石头。
- Hew out of a mountain of despair a stone of hope .
- 从绝望之山上砍下来一块希望之石。
- Hew out of mountain of despair a stone of hope .