- 最近几年,总理普京以各种形象宣传自己:他曾经赤裸上身骑马,乘坐小型潜艇潜入贝加尔湖湖底,驾驶喷气式战斗机翱翔以及骑着哈利戴维森摩托车扬尘而去。
- In recent years the prime minister has advertised himself riding bare-chested on a horse , descending to the bottom of lake baykal in a mini-submarine , soaring in fighter jets and kicking up dust on a harley-davidson .
- 半裸上身骑马摆姿势、开着哈雷戴维森、猎虎,这些噱头无不成为人们嘲笑和生气的缘由。
- Stunts such as posing half-naked on a horse , riding a harley davidson or shooting tigers have become the subject of ridicule and irritation .
- 半裸上身骑马摆姿势、开着哈雷戴维森、猎虎,这些噱头无不成为人们嘲笑和生气的缘由。
- Stunts such as posing half-naked on a horse , riding a harley davidson or shooting tigers have become the subject of ridicule and irritation .