- 除了喜羊羊和魔法小兔在树洞里乱逛的一段略显拖沓以外,整体上看影片节奏鲜明、高潮迭起、台词精彩、画面瑰丽、想象力丰富、音乐出彩、内容有嚼头。
- In addition to pleasant and wander magic rabbit hole in a section of the tree slightly beyond procrastination , on the whole film distinct rhythm , climax , exciting lines , the screen magnificent , full of imagination , music , the color , content , nutty .
- 分选好,磨圆度以次棱角状次圆状为主,呈颗粒支撑,颗粒间以线接触为主,胶结类型以孔隙式和加大孔隙式为主。史家畔探区内物性分析数据统计显示,延长组孔隙度和渗透率值变化大,非均质性强,整体为中孔、中低渗储层。
- Sorting , roundness seq angular-sub-round-based , showed a grain-supported line of contact between the particles , cement types of pore type and increase-pore type.Exploration properties in the region analysis of data banks of the historian statistics show that the the Yanchang porosity and permeability values changes , strong heterogeneity , the whole hole , low permeability reservoirs .