- 夏之日,冬之夜,百岁之后,归于其居。
- Summer day , winter night , after hundred years , attributable to its ranks .
- 次日,在临时营房将就了一晚后,我们出发返回巴格达。
- The next day after spending the night in a hut we set off on the return trip to kabul .
- “谁知此石自经煅炼之后,灵性已通,因见众石俱得补天,独自己无材不堪入选,遂自怨自叹,日夜悲号惭愧。”
- " Strange to relate , this block of stone after tempering had acquired spiritual understanding . Because all its fellow blocks had been chosen to mend the sky and it alone rejected , it lamented day and night in distress and shame . "