- 摘要:香港著名武侠小说家金庸的作品代表了新武侠小说的最高成就,其广受欢迎的程度无与伦比,相形之下,他小说中悲剧意识却未引起相应的注意。
- Abstract : the works of jin yong , famous swordsman 's novelist of hong kong , have represented the supreme achievement of the new wuxia novel , its very popular intensity is unparalleled , by contrast , in his novel but tragic consciousness has not caused corresponding attention .
- 武侠风丝毫没有放缓的迹象,而《剑雨》朴实无华的古典主义必将有助于提醒亚洲电影爱好者们,是什么使他们对香港电影如此着迷的。
- The wuxia revival is showing no sign of slowing down , and the unpretentious classicism of reign of assassins will certainly serve to remind many asian cinema enthusiasts about why they became so enamoured with the hong kong scene .