- 鉴于人类道路行为模式的不确定性,来自伊萨卡康奈尔大学的研究者们建议机器人驾驶的车辆也许能够被用来降低交通堵塞,特别是在城市的环境里面。
- In light of the unpredictable human behaviour on roads , researchers from cornell university in ithaca , suggest that robot driven vehicles could be used to ease traffic jams , particularly in urban environments .
- 消费者界面不同于常规的用户界面,它的主要任务是打造一种有效的传达信息的方式,方便易用,便于学习。
- The consumer interface is different from a conventional ui that focuses mainly on the task of conveying information in a cognitively efficient way , facilitating ease of use and ease of learning of the system .
- 根据火山爆发疏解和地震灾难疏解中心的观察,21座不安全的火山,其中18座是处在警戒状态中,2座处在警备状态中,一座处在警惕状况中,随时爆发的可能性比较小。
- Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes , according to disaster ease ease the observation center , 21 unsafe volcanoes , 18 are in state of alert in block 2 in a garrison state , a state of alert at any time more likely outbreak small .