- 然而,如此凑巧的是,“dreamof”是“sonharcom”,因为在葡萄牙语中动词“sonhar(英文的dream)”带介词“com”。
- It so happens , however , that to dream of is sonhar com because the verb sonhar ( dream ) takes the preposition com in portuguese .
- 换句话说,女孩听到尊敬的、信任的成年人(父母、老师)使用who作为句子主语、直接宾语、介词宾语。
- In other words , the girl has heard revered , trusted adults ( parents , teachers ) using who as a subject , a direct object and an object of a preposition .
- 决定你需要那一个介词来完成句子。
- Decide which preposition you need to finish this sentence .
- 我有坚硬的壳----海龟。
- I have hard shell ---- turtle .
- 带壳的山核桃,他们以前平均每磅只拿到2.30美元。
- They averaged $ 2.30 per pound last year for nuts in the shell .
- 因为拥有装甲外壳,飞行员能受到良好保护。
- The crew is thoroughly protected thanks to the armored shell .
- 心理危机干预在突发公共卫生事件中的重要性也渐渐地凸显出来。
- The psychological crises interpose measure gradually showed its importance in emergency public health events .
- 他们还会再次否决吗?
- Will they interpose their veto again ?
- 那就是必须在他和老鼠之间插进另外一个人,另外一个人的身体来挡开。
- He must interpose another human being , the body of another human being , between himself and the rats .
- 私人股权所有者属于直截了当的卖家。
- Private equity owners are straightforward sellers .
- 在新加坡的收购则更直截了当。
- The singaporean purchase appears more straightforward .
- 这不是一个简单的问题。
- It 's not a straightforward question .