- 四年前做过剖腹产现检查出双侧输卵管炎并阻塞,能治吗。
- Had done caesarean birth in the front for 4 years examine that the oblique tones salpingitis and the blockage , can administer pair out now what .
- 双侧甲状腺肿大伴多发结节(右侧伴钙化)
- Pair of oblique tones thyromegaly partners send out a tubercle muchly ( offside partner calcification )
- 乏味的确意味着兴趣狭窄。
- What boring does mean is narrow .
- 很多演讲者的领域很窄。
- Most speakers have a narrow range .
- 狭窄街道上的交通让人望而却步。
- Traffic on narrow streets is harrowing .
- 这使得一些国会议员感到不安。
- This has made some lawmakers feel uneasy .
- 案例二也涉及到清洁空气法案不稳定的联邦制。
- The second case also involved the clean air act 's uneasy federalism .
- 安大略人都有一种不安的感觉。
- Ontarians as a whole are feeling uneasy .
- 我不能选择那最好的。
- I ca ot choose the best .
- 他说上等人不能对别的上等人干这种事。
- He says a gentleman ca n 't do that to another gentleman .
- 一旦ca证书落到不正当的人手中,外部的人就可以创建证书伪装成您公司的一个合法成员。
- And if the ca certificate fall into the wrong hands , outsiders can create certificates that can impersonate a valid member of your organization .
- 作为小说家,哈金为这个丰富的题材带来了一种冷静,宽恕的纪实手法。
- As a novelist , ha jin brings a cool , spare documentary approach to this rich trove of material .
- 这是哈金用他的第二语言英语写的,虽然成就卓越但也要精益求精。
- Ha jin writes in his second language , english , a remarkable achievement but one that demands editorial vigilance .
- 哈!我感觉自己像个伪君子,对这个事情絮絮叨叨我自己都没法把自己的邮箱关上超过5分钟。
- Ha ! I feel like a hypocrite for advising this - I can 't even make myself close my e-mail client for five minutes .