- ubuntu对触摸式输入支持的概述,包括核心驱动、x输入栈和应用程序。
- An overview of multitouch support in ubuntu , covering kernel drivers , the x input stack , and applications .
- 每粒玉米仁大约13.5%至14%的成分是水。
- About thirteen and a half to fourteen percent of each kernel is made up of water .
- 棕榈油来自产油的果实,而棕榈仁粉来自棕榈坚果。
- Oil comes from the oil palm 's fruit , while kernel meal comes from palm nuts .
- 学术界主流意见一直认为在这对关系中仁居于主导地位。
- The main view in the academic circle is always that " benevolence " takes the dominant position in the relationship .
- 要施这个最大的仁政,就要有牺牲,就要用钱,就要多收些农业税。
- To carry out this policy of maximum benevolence sacrifices had to be made , money spent and more collected in agricultural tax .
- 酸枣仁能抑制中枢神经系统,有较恒定的镇静作用。
- Wild jujube benevolence can control central nervous system , have more constant composed effect .
- 我们共同的人性正当考验之时。
- Our common humanity is at stake .
- 他们是一对人性善良的夫妇。
- They were a couple of nice humanity .
- 他们是对你人性的一种考验。
- They are a test of your humanity .
- 爱是许多不同的东西。
- Love is many different things .
- 爱是许多美好的事情。
- Love is many wonderful things .
- 爱情是火堆上的友情。
- Love is friendship on fire .